GENERAL TERMS OF USE TreeClicks h.o.d.n. Jebede

Op dit moment hebben wij onze voorwaarden alleen nog beschikbaar in het Engels, omdat we er vanuit gaan dat de meeste bezoekers goed Engels spreken en begrijpen. Begrijp je onderstaande voorwaarden niet? Registreer je dan NIET. Vraag eerst een vertaling aan door ons te mailen op info [apenstaart] treeclicks [punt] com. Dan sturen we jou een vertaling op van de algemene voorwaarden zodat je begrijpt waarmee je akkoord gaat. Daarna kun je je dan registreren.

We are TreeClicks h.o.d.n. Jebede with the following address: Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10, Amsterdam and postal code: 1017RR. You can find us with the Chamber of Commerce under the following number: 32164729.

If you have any questions about these general terms, you can contact us via mail at: .

Artikel 1 - Applicability

These general terms of use (the General Terms ) apply when using the App, TreeClicks (the App ).

Artikel 2 - General

1. The General Terms apply when you use the App and extends to all services offered by us.

2. We reserve the right to change the General Terms at any time. By using the App you accept the latest version of the General Terms.

3. Deviating terms are only applicable if we have agreed to them, in writing.

4. If any part of these General Terms is null or void this shall not affect the applicability of the remainder of these General Terms. The part that is null or void shall be replaced by a provision that closely resembles the provision that is null or void.

Artikel 3 - The Platform

1. The goal of the App is to receive ad revenue from affiliate marketing while shopping and using part of that ad revenue to plant trees or support other sustainable initiatives..

2. TreeClicks h.o.d.n. Jebede is never a party to the final agreement between users of the platform.

3. While we strive to deliver an optimal user experience, we deliver our Services as is without any guarantees regarding the quality of the offered services.

Artikel 4 - Terms of use of the App

1. You cannot use the App in a way that violates Dutch law or any other applicable rules or regulations.

2. You are not allowe to spread the following:

– pornographic videos, images or other material with an erotic content;

– texts, images or other media with an erotic conttent;

– spam;

– false or misleading information; and

– viruses, malware, spyware or other software intended to harm our computers or that of other users.

3. You are not allowed to create an account under someone else's name or pretend to be someone else.

4. You are obliged not to disclose personal data acquired from other users and forbidden from abusing it.

5. You are not allowed to approach other users for other commercial purposes than that for which the App is intended.

Artikel 5 - Availability of the App

1. We will put in all our efforts to make the App available at all times.

2. We do not guarantee that the App is without errors, limitations, bugs or available 24/7. We accept no liability whatsoever for any damages, whether direct or indirect, caused by the App being unavailable or due to bugs or errors.

3. We accept no liability for damages caused by erroneous information , included in the app stores .

Artikel 6 - User Account

1. You may must treat your account details and password confidential. Use a safe password that consists of letters, symbols and numerals and that is at least 8 characters long. The use of your account is for your own risk. Activity on your account will be attributed to you personally.

2. Please report any abuses of your account or any use without your permission, as soon as possible and change your password.

Artikel 7 - Pricing

1. We offer the Services on the App for free.

2. We may decide to add paid services or change the use of free services to paid services. Any change in prices shall be communicated at the earliest possible moment. We will never charge you without notice and you may cancel the use of the App immediately in case of a price change without (extra) costs.

3. Prices for paid services are stated in the App .

Artikel 8 - Right to close your account

We reserve the right to (temporarily) deny you access to your account or close and delete your account in case of abuse or violation of these General Terms. We accept no liability for damages caused by these actions whatsoever.

Artikel 9 - Confidentiality and Privacy

We shall keep your personal data confidential and store it in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You can read our Privacy Policy here - scroll to bottom of page.

Artikel 10 - Conflict resolution

We are not obliged to help to resolve conflicts between users of the platform .

Artikel 11 - Liability

We are not liable for:

1. direct or indirect damage suffered as a consequence of the use of our App, regardless of whether or not the claim is based on a guarantee scheme, agreement or any other legal principle;

2. direct or indirect damage that is the result of (wrongful) information provided on the App, regardless of whether that information was provided by us or any another party, active on the App;

3. damage resulting from mistakes made by third parties or caused by the unavailability of the App as a result of circumstances outside the scope of our influence.

Artikel 12 - Indemnification

By using the App you indemnify us from any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses from third parties arising out of the use of the App or the Services. This clause does not apply in cases of unlawful intent or gross negligence from our side.

Artikel 13 - Intellectual property

1. All trademark rights, copyright, database rights and any other intellectual property rights of any nature vesting in the App together with the underlying software code, are exclusively owned by TreeClicks h.o.d.n. Jebede.

2. TreeClicks h.o.d.n. Jebede hereby grants you a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, royalty-free and revocable license to use the App for personal use in accordance with these General Terms.

3. By using our App you give us a, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferrable and worldwide license to use any content you upload on the App.

4. By using the App and uploading content you declare that:

– you are the sole and exclusive proprietor of that content; or

– you have obtained all necessary licenses, consents, permissions or waivers to upload the content.

Artikel 14 - Governing law

Dutch Law

Artikel 15 - Competent court

All disputes arising out of or in connection with these General Terms of Service and all agreements between you and TreeClicks h.o.d.n. Jebede shall be exclusively submitted to the competent court of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.